• Mar2021

    Easter convention is organized on 2nd, 3rd and 4th April 2021 from 11Am to 1pm and from 6:30pm till 9pm (Friday-Saturday) Sunday from 11am-1pm At Denbigh business park Building F. Unit 5 11 second Ave. Denbigh, MK 11ED

  • Nov2020

    Thanksgiving all night service is organise on 18th december 2020 from 11:00pm to 4:00am at Denbigh Business Park, Building F, 11 second Avenue Denbigh.MK1 1ED.

  • Dec2017

    To see more pictures of this event click here

  • Aug2017

    It sounds simple and obvious, doesn’t it? Disciples follow Jesus. Notice this passage in Matthew’s Gospel: Now when Jesus saw a great crowd around him, he gave orders to go over to the other side. (>Matthew 8:18 ESV) That’s a simple order, isn’t it? “Go to the other side of...

  • One disappointment I have had in ministry is watching people come to church, get excited for a time, then disappear. You spend energy and heart on people, grow to love them and get excited about them, and suddenly they are nowhere to be found. The biggest disappointment is not people...

  • In his commentary on the Synoptic Gospels, John Calvin discusses Jesus’ statement that the “Father knows what you need before you ask him” (Matt 6:8). Calvin addresses the question of why believers should pray if God already knows what we need. He suggests the following as at least a partial...

  • When people ask me what major lessons I learned while conducting interviews of new converts, my first thoughts go to the reality of pain. Many of these students talked about struggles, hurts, and wounds. And most of those difficulties pointed to sex. This generation has a lot of sex, watches...

  • Jul2017

    That post was directed toward helping believers to figure out the big picture in regard to God’s will. For instance, those keys have much to do with God’s plan for you vocationally, in ministry, and in the important stages of life. This post, on the other hand, lends help for...

  • Jun2017

    Such a question at first might seem obvious theology derived from, or based on, the Bible. But unfortunately it’s not that simple, because the term Biblical Theology has come to take on a specialized meaning. Perhaps the best way to explain what is meant by biblical theology is to define...